​We can deliver certified products on demand, but currently do not have them as a permanent part of our product range.

​Haderup Forest service A/s

Visit Haderup Skovservice A/S homepage here

Today Haderup Skovservice & Feldborg Savværk have the same owner. This united ownership and close co-operation between the two companies gives synergy and an opportunity to optimize the value chain all the way from the forest to the finished product. 

Better utilization of the raw wood and streamlining are measures that together hit the bottom line of forest owners.

Få et uforpligtende tilbud

Benyt vores formular nedenfor for at modtage et gratis, uforpligtende tilbud. 

Nogle felter er ikke udfyldt korrekt

At Feldborg Pallefabrik, we believe in the complete customer experience.
​We are with you all the way - from idea to delivery.
​Therefore you can safely let us handle your next project. 

Supplier of wooden packaging since 1962

Feldborg Sawmill & Pallet factory A/S

Teglværksvej 3, 7540 Haderup

​Click here for directions

​CVR-nummer: 27919189​

​We can deliver certified products on demand, but currently do not have them as a permanent part of our product range.

© 2022 Feldborg Savværk & Pallefabrik A/S. Alle rettigheder forbeholdes.